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Constitution & Bylaws

Below are the ASFP's Consitution and Bylaws. You may also download a copy of the content below by clicking here.

ARTICLE 1:  Name 

This Organization shall be known as the American Society of Forensic Podiatry.


ARTICLE II: Objectives 

The objective of this Society shall be to advance the cause of forensic podiatry and to develop and maintain the highest standards of practice. This shall be done via study, discussion, seminars, publications and liaison with other organized agencies. Through its programs, the Society will cooperate with members of other forensic sciences to standardize techniques, tests and criteria; and to plan, organize and administer meetings for the stimulation and advancement of these and related purposes. 

This Society is a not-for-profit unincorporated scientific organization under IRS Code 501-(C) (6) 

ARTICLE III. Eligibility for Membership


SECTION 1.  Society membership shall be available only to those persons of good moral character, integrity and professional competence, who have demonstrated an interest in the forensic sciences.  They should have earned a degree in podiatric medicine, or its equivalent, in the United States or abroad. Membership shall also be available to those persons without a degree in podiatric medicine or its equivalent that hold an advanced degree in a related field, providing they satisfy the same requirements for membership.




SECTION 3.  Qualifications for Membership:

A.    General: 

1.    In accordance with these Bylaws and other policies and provisions of the Society, all proposed candidates for membership should be considered as to qualifications first by the Board of Directors.  

2.    All proposed candidates for student/resident membership shall be considered and approved by the Board of Directors


B.    Qualifications, by classes.

1.    ACTIVE MEMBER: An individual who has earned a degree in podiatric medicine, or its equivalent, in the United States or abroad and who has demonstrated an interest in the field of forensic sciences. Active Members shall have the right to vote.                                                                                                                                                                                       
2.    INACTIVE MEMBER:  Inactive membership is achieved if a member has not paid their dues by April 1st of that year.  Inactive status will be maintained for one year, at which time the member’s name will be eliminated from the ASFP roster.  During the course of this time frame, dues statements and inquiries can still be sent. Inactive members are not voting members


3.     RETIRED MEMBER:  Retired membership may be applied for following 20 years of continuous membership or following 10 years of continuous membership if the member is retired from active practice or teaching. With retired status, no ASFP dues will be required. Retired members shall have the right to vote only if they were active members before retiring.                                           


4.    ASSOCIATE MEMBER:  An individual with an advanced degree in a related field, such as forensic anthropology or medicine.  Associate members are not voting members. 


5.    RESIDENT/STUDENT MEMBER:  An individual who is actively engaged in an undergraduate, graduate, or approved training program in podiatric medicine who has an interest in the field of pedal evidence.  Having this classification, no ASFP dues will be required. Resident/student members are not voting members.


6.     HONORARY MEMBER: A distinguished individual who has provided exceptional service to the Society, and/or the field of forensic science. This membership is granted by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.  Having this classification, no ASFP dues will be required.  Only individuals in this category who have the same qualifications as active members shall be voting members.  

SECTION 4: Active membership in the Society is maintained by payment of annual dues and special assessments, when required, and in demonstrating continued interest in the forensic sciences.   Associate, inactive, and resident/student members have no voting privileges and may not hold any office or position in the society.
SECTION 5: All new members shall receive a copy of this Constitution. 


SECTION 6: Application for membership can be made by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society.  New members joining after the first of October will have their membership dues credited to the next calendar year. 

ARTICLE IV:  Officers and Their Duties


SECTION 1:  It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society, to call special meetings and to appoint all ad-hoc and standing committees.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and shall supervise the discharge of duties by all other officers, and in all ways safeguard the interests and welfare of the Society.  


SECTION 2:  It shall be the duty of the President-Elect to act as President in the absence of that officer. The President-Elect shall automatically become the President at the next election. The President-Elect shall serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee and shall prepare the program for the next annual meeting.  The President-Elect shall assist the Webmaster of the Society as needed. 


SECTION 3:  It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to: a) keep a record of all meetings and the minutes of the Board of Directors, b) conduct the correspondence of the Society, c) maintain a current list of the membership, d) collect and disburse funds, and e) make a report at the annual meeting or whenever called upon by the President to report on the finances of the Society. The signatures of the President, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer shall be registered with a bank of the Secretary-Treasurer's choice. The President and Secretary-Treasurer will sign all checks. The signature of the President-Elect may be substituted if one of the above officers is unavailable.

SECTION 4:  A Member at Large represents the general membership on issues of interest or concern. It shall be the duty of a Member at Large, to attend Board of Director meetings, and perform duties and participate in activities as described in the ASFP constitution.

SECTION 5:  The Duties of the Executive Director
The Board of Directors may authorize the employment of such staff as are necessary for the effective management for Society affairs.  One such staff member shall have the title of "Executive Director."  The specific conditions of these appointments, including annual performance evaluation procedures, shall be as determined by the Board of Directors in furtherance of the best interest of the Society.  The Executive Director shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for the executives and management functions of the Society except that the Executive Director shall not be involved in the activities of the membership and the nominating committee is other than to provide administrative support.  The Executive director shall report to the Board of Directors and attend Board meetings but shall not be a voting member thereof. 

ARTICLE V:  The Board of Directors

SECTION 1:  Board of Directors shall consist of the immediate Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer, and four Members at Large. The President shall be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. In the event that the President is unavailable, the immediate predecessor shall be the Chairperson. Past presidents shall serve on the Board of Directors for two years. 

SECTION 2:  The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society. They shall be in charge of the programs of the Society. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for establishing the dues structures for the different classes of membership.  All actions of the Board of Directors shall be subject to review by the general membership. 


SECTION 3:  There shall be at least one meeting of the Board of Directors of the Society annually. A meeting is defined as the act of coming together to discuss Society business, whether “face-to-face”, telephone, Internet, or web-based method.


SECTION 4: Five members shall constitute a quorum for all meetings of the Board of Directors. 


SECTION 5:  Telephone and Electronic Meetings of the Board of Directors.

After due notice to all members of the Board of Directors by the President or his designee, a regular meeting, a special meeting, or a continued meeting may be held by telephone or any electronic means, provided that the procedural rules associated with such meetings are adhered to as follows:


A.    A quorum is established through a roll call. 
B.    Members always state their names before speaking.
C.    At the President's discretion, discussion takes place on the rotating basis.
D.    Votes are taken by roll call or by general consent.
E.    Votes can also be taken during, or after the meeting by use of any electronic means including E-mail or regular mail.
F.    Only members taking part in the meeting can take part in the vote.


ARTICLE VI: Election of Officers 

SECTION 1:  Only ACTIVE MEMBERS may hold office. 

SECTION 2:  Society officers shall be elected annually. The Board of Directors shall determine the date for elections. Elections should be held at the time of the annual meeting. However, this stipulation shall not preclude the annual election of officers by U.S. mail, fax, email, or other web-based methods, at other times, as special occasion may require. Under these circumstances, the Board of Directors shall determine the manner in which the elections shall be conducted. If elections take place at the annual meeting, nominations for office may also be made from the floor.

SECTION 3: The terms of office shall be:  President and President-Elect for two years, Secretary-Treasurer for three years, and Members at Large for four years. The terms of the Members at Large shall be staggered so that at least one Member at Large is elected each year. 
SECTION 4: Designation of Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall nominate persons for various offices of the Society. The Board of Directors shall annually designate a nominating committee of no less than three members. At least two members of the committee shall be members of the Board of Directors of the Society. At least one member shall be a non-office holding member of the American Society of Forensic Podiatry. 


SECTION 5:  Duties of the Nominating Committee.  The nominating committee shall submit names of qualified members for each vacancy. The names submitted for each vacant office and vacant Member at Large position shall be submitted to the membership at least 30 days prior to the date of the election. 


SECTION 6:  Nominations from the Floor.  If elections are scheduled during the annual meeting, qualified members may be nominated from the floor to hold any available office. All individuals nominated from the floor must be eligible according to Article V, Sections I and 2 of the Constitution of the Society.


SECTION 7:  If a quorum is not present at the Annual Meeting (see ARTICLE VII, SECTION 2) to permit the scheduled election of the Officers and Board, then the recommendation of the Nominating Committee will stand as the vote of the membership.


SECTION 8:  Special elections. In the event that an office is vacated before the next scheduled election cycle, a nominating committee shall be formed and elections held as described in Sections 5 and 6. Special elections should take place within 90 days from the time the office is vacated. Another board member as determined by the Board of Directors will perform the duties of the office of the vacated position temporarily until new elections for the office takes place.

ARTICLE VII:  General Membership Meetings 


SECTION 1:  There should be at least one general membership meeting annually, to be held at a time, place, and manner consistent with membership needs. The Board of Directors as necessary to conduct the business of the Society may call meetings. 


SECTION 2:  One tenth of the membership, but no less than five members, shall constitute a quorum for all meetings of the Society.


SECTION 3:  Telephone and Electronic Meetings 

Every attempt should be made to have General Membership Meetings held in person. However, if it is not possible to have a quorum in this manner, meetings may take place using the telephone or other accepted methods of electronic communication, after due notice to all General Members by the President. Procedural rules associated with such meetings are adhered as described under


SECTION 1:  The latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” ( will be used to cover all procedures not covered by this Constitution. 

ARTICLE IX:  Amendments 

SECTION 1:  The Constitution and By Laws may be amended after no less than five members of the Board of Directors first approve the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment is then presented to the general membership, in writing, prior to a general membership vote to adopt the proposed amendment.   It shall be a requisite to state the substance or actual wording of the proposed amendment in the call for acceptance of the proposed amendment. A two-thirds vote of the active membership shall be needed to adopt the proposed amendment. Voting may take place at a General Membership Meeting, or by telephone or electron methods of communication.

ARTICLE X:  Special Appointments 

SECTION 1: An ASFP News Editor shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.  The Editor shall publish, either electronically or in print, a newsletter bi-monthly and keep a financial record. This financial record will be reported to the membership at the annual meeting.


SECTION 2: An ASFP Webmaster shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.  The Webmaster shall be responsible for the maintenance of the ASFP website, including monitoring the information contained on the website for accuracy and timeliness, and keep a financial record.  This financial record will be reported to the membership at the annual meeting. 


SECTION 3: The President may appoint a Parliamentarian as required. The term may be for a specific period or event.

ARTICLE XI: Code of ethics and conduct


SECTION 1: As a means to promote the highest quality of professional and personal conduct of its members, the following constitutes the Code of Ethics and Conduct which should be adhered to by all members of the American Society of Forensic Podiatry (ASFP). 


Members of the American Society of Forensic Podiatry shall:


A. Refrain from exercising professional or personal conduct adverse to the best interests of the ASFP.


B. Refrain from providing any material misrepresentation of education, training, experience, or area of expertise.


C. Refrain from providing any material misrepresentation of data upon which an expert opinion or conclusion is based. Members shall render opinions and conclusions strictly within their area of expertise in accordance with the evidence in the case (hypothetical or real) and only to the extent justified by the evidence.


D. Not make statements in his/her written reports, public addresses, or testimony that are not technically correct and scientifically based.


E.  Act at all times in a completely impartial manner by employing scientific methodology to reach logical, unbiased conclusions and by reporting all findings in a clear, concise manner.


F.  Set a reasonable fee for services if it is appropriate to do so; however, no services shall be rendered on a contingency fee basis.


G.  Treat all information from an agency or client with the confidentiality required.


H.  Refrain from issuing public statements that appear to represent the position of the ASFP without specific authority first obtained from the Board of Directors. 


I.  Not violate any statutes, laws, or code of ethics that pertain to their practice of podiatric medicine, or, if associate members, to their area of forensic specialty.

ARTICLE XII:  Special Considerations

SECTION 1:  Removal of an elected ASFP officer.  An ASFP officer may be considered for removal from office after a proposal is first approved by no less than five members of the Board of Directors. The proposal for removal is then presented to the general membership, in writing.  A two-thirds vote of the active membership shall be needed to remove a sitting ASFP officer. 


SECTION 2:  Removal from membership and other disciplinary actions.  A member may be considered for removal from membership, or other disciplinary actions, for providing statements or performing acts that are deemed one or more of the following:

1. a failure of good moral character, integrity, or professional competence, 2. A violation of the bylaws of the ASFP, 3. as bringing dishonor to the Society, 4. an infraction of the Code of Ethics.   Removal from membership, or other disciplinary actions, can only occur after approval by no less than eight members of the Board of Directors.  Members, who are considered for removal, or other disciplinary actions, will be notified by the Board of Directors and given an opportunity to submit a written explanation prior to the Board of Directors decision.  Whether an individual shall be removed from membership, or whether other disciplinary actions will be taken, shall be decided by the Board of Directors. The amount of time before the individual, once removed, can reapply for membership will be determined by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.  Other forms of disciplinary action, as determined by the Board of Directors, may include, but are not limited to, such actions as written letter of reprimand, probation, and further educational training.  Individuals removed from membership are not entitled to a refund or partial refund of any dues paid. 


SECTION 3: Membership in the Society may not be used as a professional qualification, nor may any member make such inference.


SECTION 4: The Society may not be disbanded except at a special general meeting called for that purpose. The motion for disbandment must be agreed upon by at least two-thirds of the members present and by at least half of the total active membership.


SECTION 5: In the event that the Society is disbanded, the funds and any other properties of the Society, after payment of all debts and liabilities, shall be transferred to a charitable organization as decided upon by the active members present at the special meeting, rather than being distributed to the remaining active members of the organization.


SECTION 6: Transitional arrangements. All present ASFP members will retain their membership in ASFP for the remainder of the calendar year in which the new constitution is approved, providing they have paid their dues in full (where appropriate) for the calendar year. All Member Emeritus members will become Honorary Members; they will be grandfathered into the ASFP as permanent members. The requirements as stated in the new constitution for all other ASFP members will take effect beginning on January 1 of the year following the calendar year in which the new constitution is approved. 

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