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The American Society of Forensic Podiatry (ASFP) was created to advance the cause of forensic podiatry and to develop and maintain the highest standards of practice via research, discussion, education, publications, and liason with other organized agencies. The objective of this organization is to promote the use of podiatry in forensics cases, utilizing the analysis and evaluation of evidence related to the human foot, while maintaining the highest standards of practice. The organization promotes these objectives through continuing education for its members by way of educational seminars, study, newsletters, discussion, publications and liaison with other organized disciplines. 





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Mentorship Program

With our mentorship program, you will have the opportunity to learn from accomplished and experienced professionals in the forensic podiatry field! Want to help shape bright minds? Become a mentor to participating student and resident members! 


News & Resources

Get access to the latest forensic news & resources in the law enforcement community! You will also have access to forensic product suppliers.



Keep up to date on all ASFP happenings!


Research Opportunities

Participate in any research opportunites the ASFP is involved with.


Training, Workshops, & Conferences

Attend training, workshops, and conferences! Use this time to learn about the latest technologies, procedures, and research in forensic podiatry and build your professional network.  







Society membership shall be available only to those persons of good moral character, integrity and professional competence. They must have earned a degree in podiatric medicine, or its equivalent, in the United States or abroad, and demonstrate an interest in the forensic sciences. Membership shall also be available to those persons holding an advanced degree in a related field, providing they satisfy the same requirements for membership. 

How to Apply



To apply, please fill out our online application by clicking the Apply button below. After you have submitted your application, please pay the annual membership dues of $100. If you would prefer a paper copy, you can download it here. Please make checks payable to: American Society of Forensic Podiatry. Send to: P.O. Box 549 Bandon, OR 97411.



We only accept payments through PayPal, we DO NOT accept credit cards. Take note that resident/student members are exempt from the dues requirement, with supporting documentation of their status.


If you have any questions, please visit our Contact Us page to send us a message.

© Copyright 2019 American Society of Forensic Podiatry. All rights reserved.     Terms of Use

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